Inspection and Audit
Inspection and Audit
Environmental Officers of the Ministries may conduct site inspections and audits to verify compliance with lease conditions and with this policy.
As a result of an inspection or audit the Ministries may direct the leaseholder to undertake or modify operations, or to carry our remedial action or supplementary studies to ensure that operations are conducted in accordance with conditions of the lease and sound mining and environmental practice
Mine site operations, and if necessary active shafts, adits, open cuts and other dangerous excavations and process areas within the mine site will be fenced and appropriately signed to prevent unauthorized stock, or fauna access. All operations must be conducted so as to not cause any danger to persons, stock or fauna. Fire control plans must be in place and approved by the local fire authority
Rehabilitation and Security Bonds
Rehabilitation and Security Bonds
Environmental Officers of the Ministries may conduct site inspections and audits to verify compliance with lease conditions and with this policy.
As a result of an inspection or audit the Ministries may direct the leaseholder to undertake or modify operations, or to carry our remedial action or supplementary studies to ensure that operations are conducted in accordance with conditions of the lease and sound mining and environmental practice
Sensitive Issues
Sensitive Issues
Specific attention may need to be given to the issues of particular environmental sensitivity identified by the public, other agencies or special interest groups.
Strategies or plans must be implemented to minimize impacts on flora, fauna and habitat, including the protection of threatened species.
Conservation of Aboriginal, archaeological, historical and geological sites of significance must be in accordance with National Parks and Wildlife guidelines.
- conserving any Aboriginal relic or declared Aboriginal place unless a consent or other authority has been issued,
- taking all precautions in excavating or otherwise disturbing land of any Aboriginal relic or declared Aboriginal place,
- ceasing works that might further disturb relics, if relics not covered by a previous consent are discovered, and
- reporting any discovery
An authority from La Société des établissements de plein air du Québec (Sépaq) is required before Aboriginal places or relics can be knowingly disturbed.
Surface and Underground Waters
Surface and Underground Waters
All site water and diverted water flows must apply current best practice to avoid erosion, excessive citation or flooding of surface channels, and surface or groundwater contamination.
Environmental and Rehabilitation Responsibility
Environmental and Rehabilitation Responsibility
The manager of each mine site will nominate an officer to take responsibility for site environmental and rehabilitation management and be the key person for contact on environmental matters.
Environmental Management Reports
Environmental Management Reports
Each mine site must submit an Annual Environmental Management Report (AEMR). This report provides the means of measuring progress towards the attainment of environmental and rehabilitation outcomes.
The AEMR will co-ordinate government environmental reporting requirements by including reports to other agencies and will facilitate a whole-of-government approach to AEMR review.
Following review, the leaseholder may be directed to undertake or modify operations, implement remedial action or carry out supplementary studies to ensure that operations are conducted in accordance with conditions of the lease, and sound mining and environmental practice.
All mining activities will be carried out in accordance with a Mining Operations Plan (MOP) that has been reviewed by, and is accepted by officers of Le Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune. The MOP documents site activities and progress towards the required environmental and rehabilitation outcomes.
- Engage in public consultation and disclosure…
- Provide stakeholders the opportunity to communicate issues of concern.
- Initiate dialogue describing management procedures and responsively address identified concerns.
- Make appropriate operational and environmental information available to stakeholders.
- Train workers to understand the hazards associated with exploratory work.
- Train appropriate personnel to operate the facility according to systems and procedures that protect human health, the community and the environment.
Worker Safety
Worker Safety
- Protect workers’ health and safety
- Operate and monitor facilities to protect worker health and safety and periodically evaluate the effectiveness of health and safety measures.
- Develop and implement emergency response strategies and capabilities.
- Involve site personnel and stakeholders in the planning process.
- Protect communities and the environment through development and implementation of decommissioning plans for facilities
- Implement management and operating systems designed to protect human health and environment utilizing contingency planning and inspection and preventive maintenance procedures.
- Implement a comprehensive water management program to protect against unintentional releases.
- Implement measures to protect birds, other wildlife and livestock from adverse effects of exploratory work.
- Implement measure to protect fish and wildlife from direct and indirect discharges to surface water.
- Implement measures designed to manage seepage from facilities to protect the beneficial uses of ground water.
- Implement quality control/quality assurance procedures to confirm that facilities are constructed according to accepted engineering standards and specifications.
- Implement monitoring program to evaluate the effects of exploratory work on wildlife, surface and ground water quality.
- Protect communities and the environment during exploration.
- Establish clear lines of responsibility for safety, security, training and emergency response in written agreements with transporters.
Encourage responsible exploration by purchasing from manufacturers, suppliers, and contractors who operate in a safe and environmentally protective manner.
Best Practices Guidelines
Best Practices Guidelines
ESGold Corp. will apply the environmental principles set forth to all mining operations. The company is familiar with and will comply with industry codes and best practices guidelines.